Aspasia Sheppard
2 min readJan 12, 2021

The Social Dilemma

Netflix movie poster for The Social Dilemma

“The Social Dilemma” is a Netflix documentary-drama about numerous tech experts discussing the progress of social networking, the dangers it has caused, and the sites they created. It is a movie that sounds alarms on the current and potential issues brought on by the constant use of the addictive social media.

The movie touches on topics tech experts found alarming or brought up questions while also showing examples of how these things are affecting us by intertwining scenes with experts speaking and actors portraying what is happening in the world today.

It seems to be one of many alerting others of the dangers social media is bringing to the table and the issues we will be facing within the next few decades. I can see how it might become important to watch or a movie referenced often when these issues come to a head.

This movie was something that I’ve seen pop up in numerous lists on Netflix and was interested in watching but, never did until now. I think that was due to already having suspicions and concerns about the world’s use and addiction to the Internet. I guess I didn’t want those suspicions and concerns to be amplified or confirmed. It’s hard to believe that something made for ‘good’ that we have become so reliant on, that has become such a massive part of our lives is now playing a dangerous role and leaving a negative impact on us.

I have always felt very conflicted about social media When I first made the accounts, I intended to use them for one or two things: to keep up with friends and family when I moved and to keep up with content creators. It is now something I am always on. I can be reading a book but having YouTube videos playing or scrolling through Instagram every few minutes. I find myself always on social media and losing many hours to scrolling through my Feed or Explore/For You pages. Instead of cleaning, doing schoolwork, or reading, I end up back online and not getting anything done. In the past few years, I have noticed how much more I’m online and how much it affects me. I’m not sleeping as much, I’m not as active or social in person, my mood is out of wack, my confidence is low, insecurities high.. it’s been a mess. I would get weekly screen time updates and they were always high. How can someone spend nearly half of a 24 hour day on their phones, sleep for about 8 hours, be at work or in school from 7–5? This movie was definitely a reminder to take a few minutes or hours a day to disconnect.