My Game

Aspasia Sheppard
2 min readJan 18, 2021


I was having difficulty figuring out how to create a digital game so I decided to create a card game instead. I chose to base it on Cards Against Humanity because of the popularity of the game and the enjoyment many people have during and after playing.

I haven’t come up with a catchier name other than Cards Against Childhood. Cards Against Childhood is played just like Cards Against Humanity except the prompts are from cartoon, show, or movie character quotes and memes while the answers are any character, group of people, or event. Players would pair prompts with “wrong answers only.” The fun part of it would be how ridiculous or how correct the pairings are, also because reminiscing on things we watched as a kid is fun.

If this card game were to be real, I would include a lot more prompts and answers to the decks. There are just soo many fandoms that I think should be included to strengthen the experience.

As you scroll through the photos, you will see some examples of cards and pairings I created. Some may not make any sense or sound absolutely hilarious but that’s all part of the game! Some characters I have never heard of seen before so it was fun trying to guess.

